ELL/Inclusive Learning

Students new to the English language will find a full collection of basic readers and more advanced, yet accessible  readers.


  • Talk to the teacher-librarian for help in finding books that best suit your interests and reading level.


In the Library

1. Browse the ELL shelf which includes  Starter books, levels 1 through 5+.  Higher numbers indicate a more challenging reading level.  Penguin ELL Readers have an audio book companion.  It helps to listen to the books while reading the print text.

2.  In the library catalogue search by book series.   Type one of the following series  names into the catalogue search box, then click the series icon below the search box:

  • Dear  Canada
  • Sidestreets
  • Orca
  • Rapid Reads
  • Graphic Classics

3.  Look for ELL books in the regular fiction section.  They are more challenging that the books on the ELL shelf but are still easy reading for beginners to the English language.  Look for a yellow ELL label on the spine of the book.