Inquiry Pathfinders

The Guided Inquiry Design Process is a research process grounded in decades of research that illustrate its effectiveness.  Inquiry Pathfinders from Vic High Library are designed to assists students with one or more of the inquiry phases in context of specific information tasks in a given class.


  • Begin with a specific inquiry pathfinder below; access the link in your Google Classroom.
  • If you miss the lesson associated with the inquiry pathfinder, see your teacher-librarian Ms. Burleson.  The student guides are a touchstone, but are not a substitute for the teaching and learning that happens face-to-face.
  • If you do not see an inquiry pathfinder for your class and you need help, see  Ms. Burleson.


InformationTaskCourseTeacher/DateStudent Guides - Inquiry Phases
- Be able to locate a book of personal interest from the libraryMulti-gradeEng 9-12 teachersMs. Hope, English 9, s1 2023

Ms. Hope, English 10 Blk. B, s1 2023

Ms. Hope, English 10 Blk. C, s1 2023

Creative Writing, Blk. A Ms. Brooke, s1 2023

Composition 10 Blk. B Ms. Brooke s1 2023

Composition 10 Blk. C Ms. Brooke, s1 2023

- Be able to locate a French book to build independent reading skillsFrench ImmersionMme. Morrison, s1, 2022-23Lesson - Using the catalogue, in French
- Be able to explain why someone from your home country is a "hero," using research.ELDMs. McTavishHeroes Research -- FINDING RESOURCES


Heroes Research -- CREATE YOUR PROJECT
Voicethread sign up
- Gather reliable sources on your home country, reference sources correctly, and take notes in your own wordsELDMs. McTavishHome Country Research: Finding and Tracking sources
- Be able to access and use audiobooksELDMs. McTavishAudiobooks Activity
Grade 9
- develop an infoposter or infographic about a topic of relevance to self and to a broader audienceEnglish 9Mr. Dunstan, s1, 2023Lesson 1: Introduction to Infoposters & Infographics

Lesson 2: Open, Explore, Identify
- create a flyer designed to inform an audience about a challenged or banned bookEnglish 9Ms. Hope, s1, 2023Teacher-librarian presentationFreedom to Read web site
- apply the inquiry process to develop an original infographic on a topic of choiceEnglish 9Ms. Munro, s1, 2022Open/Explore
- develop a variety of information skills that will help in the development of an expository paragraphEnglish 9HMs. O'Flynn, q3, 2022Lesson #1:Using Databases to locate reliable sources that support a controlling idea

Lesson #2: Gathering & Using Information to Support a Controlling Idea
- develop a variety of information skills that will help in the development of an expository paragraphEnglish 9Ms. Melvin, q4, 2022Lesson 1: Using databases to locate reliable information

Lesson 2: Gathering & using information to support a controlling idea
- comprehend the various forms of plagiarism and apply a variety of strategies to avoid it in a research project about geographic regions of CanadaSchum 9Ms. MengualLesson 1: Understanding forms of plagiarism and applying a variety of strategies to avoid them

Lesson 2: Using multimedia (images, music, videos) legally and ethically

Lesson 3: Correct attribution through a Reference List
- analyze and apply techniques that authors use to create a "hook" for their readersEnglish 9HMs. O'Flynn, q3, 2022Survey - Opening Lines of Classic Literature

Notes & Activity -- Effective opening lines

Blind Date with a Book Project & exemplar
- integrate a quotation as evidence (skill for a literary essay and a research essay)English 9Ms. Ness, q1, 2021Lesson & Activity - Integrating Quotations
- research an abstract artist of your choosingArt 9/10Ms. A, q1, 2021Introduction to Project & Finding Resources
-Review how to find reliable information sources and learn how to take research notes to support a main idea in an expository paragraphEnglish 9Ms. MelvinFinding sources & creating an annotated reference list

- Understand forms of plagiarism and how to avoid them, and apply strategies to a research assignment on a geographic region of CanadaSocial Studies 9Ms. Mengual, s2, 2022-2023 Lesson #1: Forms of plagiarism & Consequences
Strategies for avoiding plagiarism

Grade 10
- comprehend the impact of Emily Carr as an artist, writer, and symbol of "no reward without effort"Eng 10Ms. Ness, q1, 2021Introduction to Emily Carr
choose a biographical or autobiographical source about Emily Carr as preparatory reading for a creative writing projectCreative Writing 10Ms. Iversen, q1, 2021Project Introduction

Introduction to Emily Carr - Canadian cultural icon
Grade 11
- locate reliable sources to defend an argument about sentienceLiterary Studies 11Mr. Sakiyama, Semester 1 2023Sifting Fact from Fiction, Reliable from Unreliable Sources

Finding reliable sources
- locate, evaluate, and cite reliable sources for research about an authorLiterary Studies 11Ms. BrookeLesson: Selecting and Citing Reliable Sources
- locate three reliable resources to support a thesis statement related to the topic of superstitionComposition 11Ms. HopeSources in the library's Digital Resource Hub
- describe and analyze the work of a critically acclaimed photographerPhotography 11Ms. PughReliable & Time-saving Resources
- analyze and apply techniques that authors use to create a "hook" for their readersEnglish 11Ms. Hope, quarter 3, 2022Famous First Lines in Literature

Notes & Activity -- Effective opening lines
Grade 12
-Develop an inquiry-based research topicEnglish First Peoples 12Ms. Hope, s1 2023-24Source Types & Finding Reliable Sources
- Research a respiratory illness using reliable sources and use the information to develop a short but impactful presentation for a public audienceAnatomy & Physiology 12Mr. McBeeFinding reliable sources and "expert" sources
- Develop a variety of research and inquiry skills, critical thinking and communication competencies to create a research-based persuasive essayEnglish Studies 12Ms. Brooke, s1, 2022-23Unit Introduction & Survey

Lesson 1 - Open/Explore
- Develop a variety of research and inquiry skills, critical thinking and communication competencies to create a research-based persuasive essayEnglish Studies 12Mr. Dunstan, s1, 2022-23Unit Introduction & Survey

Lesson 1 - Open/Explore
- Develop a response to a painting by Canadian artist/writer Emily Carr and apply these responses to develop a descriptive sketchEnglish Studies 12Mr. Dunstan, quarter 3, 2021Introduction to Emily Carr: celebrated and controversial Canadian artist
- Find reliable sources by applying multiple frameworks and strategiesSocial Justice 12Ms. Hope, 2021Lesson/Presentation